Beginning of August

It’s weird to think that in three weeks i’m leaving. Seems like I’m always out of the house and out with friends. Especially with class ending I am going to be spending a lot of time out with friends hopefully. Last night I was out with Nole and Alexis at the Applebee’s. Really nice to see them. I saw them both at Alexis’ going away party since she is going down to Muncie for school. Also had a sleep over with Dylan, Tyler, and Kayla. It’s nice to be able to do stupid shit like we did at band. Went on a fun little walk around shoaf park with Kayla and April. We tossed a baseball around and messed around at the splash pad when we were done to cool off. Can’t wait to see all my buds like Emily and gang from band. I get all nostalgic when I hear the metronome over at Northrop or hear them playing. But then I realize they are doing drill and I just laugh because drill is literally the most boring thing in existence. Hope all is going well and I still miss  my contra :/